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Wholesale Price List
A Wholesale Price List is available for all Holloware in the Guilde Des Orfèvres catalog.

Wholesale Prices are negotiable (depends on volume).
The entire inventory is available at less 50%, less 50% of the retail price, a saving of 75%.




The traditional silversmithing is a craft requiring several years of apprenticeship in the different manufacturing process: Stamping, Mold Dies, Hammering, Raising, Spinning, Punching, Soldering, Applying Mounts, Chasing, Burnishing, etc.

Each item is handcrafted accordingly. The Sheffield plate is world-renowned quality. These were the words of the founder, Mr. James Dixon, when thanking his workpeople for a silver Epergne, presented to him on his seventieth birthday in 1842. "When I commenced business in 1806. It was with this determination – that nothing should go out of my hands, bearing my name, which could disgrace that name"

This is the quality of British Standard, this quality is not available anywhere now.


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